You can print out the Batch of Kindness cards and give them out with each act of kindness you perform. Tuck one inside a basket of muffins for the ladies who work at the local library. Leave one in a bag of used clothing at a charity shop. Stick one in an envelope with an encouraging note left under the windshield wiper of a stranger's car. The possibilities are endless! Or, just go out and do kind acts without the cards. However you choose to participate is up to you!
The cards are standard business card size (2 by 3.5 inches) and can be printed (8 per sheet) on standard letter paper or cardstock and cut out. They print beautifully in both color and black and white. If you have any problems downloading the file, please contact me. (If you find the text too small in the downloaded file, you can alternatively right-click on the image to save it and print your own custom size cards from that.)
Other languages available:
Portuguese (Brazil)
If you would like the cards to be in a different language, please contact me via the contact form and include the text in the language you need, and I'll work up the cards from that. Please make sure spelling and punctuation are correct before you send it. Thank you!
The cards are standard business card size (2 by 3.5 inches) and can be printed (8 per sheet) on standard letter paper or cardstock and cut out. They print beautifully in both color and black and white. If you have any problems downloading the file, please contact me. (If you find the text too small in the downloaded file, you can alternatively right-click on the image to save it and print your own custom size cards from that.)
Other languages available:
Portuguese (Brazil)
If you would like the cards to be in a different language, please contact me via the contact form and include the text in the language you need, and I'll work up the cards from that. Please make sure spelling and punctuation are correct before you send it. Thank you!
Note added June 29: The Spanish cards...oh my. I don't even want to admit how long I spent on these, due to no fewer than six different translations from lovely and helpful people! I am sincerely sorry if the translation isn't quite correct for your part of the world, but I'm afraid I have to move on to other languages. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
Note added July 3: I know the formatting is a bit different on the Persian cards, but I was afraid to mess with it anymore! Huge thanks to @IRCumberbabes who basically did the whole thing for me (and didn't laugh too hard at me when I first showed it to her with the words all going left to right instead of right to left!).