It's all compiled and ready to mail! You are all fantastic, if I haven't mentioned it lately.
On the chance that I left out anyone's #batchofkindness, please know it was not intentional...I even did searches on every typo version of the hashtag I could think of and included all of those as well. And if I did miss one or two, I'm terribly sorry and just remember your act wasn't in vain because you still made somebody smile that day. (I know it sounds cheesy,'s still true.)
SO. Different format this year. I screencapped everyone's tweets, but I didn't decide to do it this way until early August, so those of you who change your twitter handle (or have countdowns to Hamlet in it, as with at least two of you!) will notice it's a bit off. ;)
Anyway, here's a PDF. Let me know if you have trouble accessing it!
On the chance that I left out anyone's #batchofkindness, please know it was not intentional...I even did searches on every typo version of the hashtag I could think of and included all of those as well. And if I did miss one or two, I'm terribly sorry and just remember your act wasn't in vain because you still made somebody smile that day. (I know it sounds cheesy,'s still true.)
SO. Different format this year. I screencapped everyone's tweets, but I didn't decide to do it this way until early August, so those of you who change your twitter handle (or have countdowns to Hamlet in it, as with at least two of you!) will notice it's a bit off. ;)
Anyway, here's a PDF. Let me know if you have trouble accessing it!
In any event, I honestly cannot thank you all enough for your enthusiastic kindness to friends, family, and strangers alike, as well as your lovely encouraging words to me. It was an incredible day; we made people happy, we made ourselves happy, and we made the world a bit friendlier for awhile. And that, really, is what the whole thing is about, yes? And perhaps letting those little acts of kindness overflow into our everyday lives as well, because if Batch of Kindness proved anything, it's that kindness is contagious. Let's make it an epidemic.
Much love to you all,
Much love to you all,
Disclaimer: I am merely a fan and am not in any way connected to or affiliated with Benedict Cumberbatch.
The Batch of Kindness campaign was inspired by his words, but conceptualized and carried out by his fans.
(Basically, if somebody screws up and offends somebody, don't blame Benedict.)
The Batch of Kindness campaign was inspired by his words, but conceptualized and carried out by his fans.
(Basically, if somebody screws up and offends somebody, don't blame Benedict.)